Family Owned & Operated

We believe that where flowers bloom, so does hope. The Perry Family Farm is a place for everyone. Our desire is to host events that have purpose, create community, give back, and emanate love.

Reserve the Farm

If you are looking for a place to host your next event, Reserve The Farm! Email The Perry Family Farm to book!

Email Us!

We are Clint & Melissa Perry. We moved out to Lebanon in 2016 because we wanted to grow flowers and have a hand at small scale farming. There was nothing on our 7 acres but an old Tobacco barn. We renovated an airstream to live in and started putting things in the ground not really knowing what the future had in store for us. Every year things grow and change into dreams we had envisioned and new dreams we want to make come true. The thing that brings us the most joy is watching people come to the farm and find peace and quiet. We want to see people connecting with each other and letting the worries of the outside world drift away for just a little while to help their souls reset. We have found that beauty and peace here in our every day lives and we hope you will come and do the same.

Meet The Perry’s